Review – Barbarella (Vol.2) #1

Review – Barbarella (Vol.2) #1

Writer: Sarah Hoyt

Artist: Madibek Musabekov

Colours By: Ivan Nunes

Letters By: Carlos M. Mangual

Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment

Release Date: July 14, 2021

Variant, Virgin, Cosplay Covers: Brian Bolland, Ron Leary, Dani, Derrick Chew, Edu Menna, Jamie Tyndall

Buy Barbarella (Vol.2) #1 at your Local Comics Shop, BGCP list of here


The Siren of Space returns for a series of all-new adventures by a dynamic new creative team! Multi-award winning author SARAH HOYT and rising star artist MADIBEK MUSABEKOV is at the controls as Barbarella leaves spacedock on a new mission fraught with unseen layers of danger, duplicity and perhaps a dose of romance! Camelot is home to the rich and powerful class seeking escape from an increasingly crowded and decaying galactic empire. Desperate clandestine transmissions from an enslaved underclass bring Barbarella to investigate, uncovering secrets that lead to more secrets-and the distinct possibility that someone knew she was coming. High concept sci-fi meets the greatest aspects of the human soul in a series that will reveal wonders that both terrify and delight, plus covers by fan-favourites LUCIO PARILLO, DERRICK CHEW, BRIAN BOLLAND and more!

Writer: Sarah Hoyt

Hoyt takes the classic 60s blonde bombshell on a mission of love and sex and brings it up to date for 2021’s second volume from Dynamite. Barbarella is asked to join the Fraternity of Tortuga to end slavery and bring love. She has some good missions and some not so well, including the last mission where her ship was damaged while she rescued Vix.

Vix joins the crew of her new ship, allowing a solid AI hologram (red Drawf?) called Taln to follow and protect Barbarella. Following a signal from Camelot an artificial world where anything or anyone can be bought.

Artist: Madibek Musabekov

Musabekov, Nunes and Mangual polish off Hoyt’s script with stunning and sexy images full of bright red and other psychedelic colours. The artwork looks a little wooden in certain poses where Musabekov focuses the reader on the various sexy poses Barbarella strikes into but it’s not enough to look out of place.

Overall Thoughts

The style is the book is light and inspiring with violence the almost last resort for Barbarella and Taln. It’s early days for the issue and it nicely skips over the more bawdy sexual side, replacing it with a wider message of love.

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Michael Lennox

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T'was a cold dark night in East Kilbride... and below the roundabouts, something old and ancient began to shudder awake. The world would rue the day that it gave the Green Jaguar comics to read!

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