Review – Basilisk #4

Review – Basilisk #4

Review – Basilisk #4

Writer: Cullen Bunn

Artist: Jonas Scharf

Colouring: Alex Guimaraes

Publisher: Boom! Studios

Release Date: 1st September 2021

Variant and Virgin Covers: Declan Shalvey

Chapter #4

The showdown between the Chimera and their hunters begins HERE!

Hannah and Regan, former victim and former member of the Chimera, arrive at an abandoned resort town in the mountains.
Even as the two women uncover and struggle with their shared past, the Chimera and their Faithful descend on the area.
To their surprise, Hannah has been waiting for their arrival, and the ensuing battle will have deadly consequences for those unprepared.

Writer: Cullen Bunn

This story starts with the usual two painted pages showing the past when the Chimera attacked the town. Regain tries to explain that at that point they were new and inexperienced and Hannah should not be tempting them in, but she will not be deterred. With the camp surrounded by trip wires, booby traps and other pitfalls she prepares for the Faithful and Chimera.

She masks her senses to stop the team from taking her over and successfully takes out the first wave of Faithful with a few mortar bombs. The action intensifies when she takes on the Chimera themselves and for a few seconds, it looks like she may actually be getting the upper hand.

Bunn pushes the energy of the issue to the maximum showing that even gods can bleed and die.

Artist: Jonas Scharf

Scharf takes this action-packed script and translates it into panels and pages that almost explode from the page with energy. Hannah’s uncontrolled rage burns deep within her eyes and fight scenes make this a must-read issue each month.

Overall Thoughts

After three issues rising the tension we finally get the showdown we’ve been looking for and Bunn and Scharf do not disappoint. Sense related powers looked unbeatable until Hannah nullified them and the stakes are rising for the next issue where they set their sites on a bigger town in retaliation.

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Michael Lennox

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T'was a cold dark night in East Kilbride... and below the roundabouts, something old and ancient began to shudder awake. The world would rue the day that it gave the Green Jaguar comics to read!

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