Review – Beta Ray Bill #2

Review – Beta Ray Bill #2

Written By: Daniel Warren Johnson
Art By: Daniel Warren Johnson
Colours By: Mike Spicer
Letters By: VC’s Joe Sabino, Daniel Warren Johnson
Cover Art By: Daniel Warren Johnson, Mike Spicer

Published by: Marvel Comics
Release Date: April 28th, 2021


VALHALLA IS CALLING, BETA RAY BILL! Bill goes hunting for Odin, still desperate to resurrect his lost hammer Stormbreaker – but the former King of Asgard is far from his glory days. Stormbreaker is never coming back…but there is one place where Beta Ray Bill could restore his full powers. The All-Father of nothing offers the Korbinite a path to immortality – at a price, not even a god can afford. Daniel Warren Johnson and Mike Spicer’s off-the-rails tale of cosmic vengeance and barroom breakdowns continues here!


I want a standing ovation for Johnson showing his prowess with both the writing and the art for this series. This takes all the pomposity of DC and Marvel and shoves it where the sun doesn’t shine. This is a 2000AD meets The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy with a little sprinkle of Discworld thrown in. The opening shot of Bill walking the halls of Scuttlebutt is a kids fantasy. And as with all good artists, I think Johnson’s drawn himself in the bottom right of the ship (just below the kitchen where Skurge is.) Try not to hear Karl urban’s voice when you read the dialogue.

The bar fight scenes from an artistic point of view are complete and utter bonkers with the pages littered with easter eggs in the foreground and background to delight you. The antagonist becomes bendy and rubber under blows with great comedic effect. the slap on the face below would look at home in Red Dwarf.

After the woe is me first issue (see our review here) it’s great to see bar fights, beer and horse faced puns in this issue.

Overall Thoughts

All hail the fellowship of the sword, or gun (if you are Skurge) this is nuttier than a squirrels testicles. If 2021 is getting you down pick up this series and you’ll get your groove back. This tops issue #1 so 5 stars all around.

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Michael Lennox

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T'was a cold dark night in East Kilbride... and below the roundabouts, something old and ancient began to shudder awake. The world would rue the day that it gave the Green Jaguar comics to read!

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