Review – Catwoman #30

Catwoman 30

Review – Catwoman #30

Published by DC Comics

Written by Ram V

Art by Fernando Blanco

Colours by Jordie Bellaire

Lettering by Tom Napolitano

Available: 21st April 2021

Catwoman 30

Riddle Me This…

The Riddler revealed that he knows details about Poison Ivy’s whereabouts. Now, after the Riddler has been gravely wounded, Catwoman brings him to be patched up by Alleytown’s less-than-scrupulous medics. Now on the mend, Riddler points Selina in Ivy’s direction-but is he telling the truth, or wrapping her up in another one of his riddles? Meanwhile, the Penguin’s come to realize that enlisting Father Valley to take out Catwoman may have been a mistake and finds himself asking whether he hired a hit man…or inked a deal with the devil himself.

Riddle Me That…

Catwoman 39

As usual Ram V is bringing his A-game with the mid-story arc in Catwoman issue 30. It’s an issue where both nothing really happens but the story still manages to jump forward with small, subtle hints and tricks. The Queen of Alleytown is troubled and this tight 24-page issue gives her more troubles. After rescuing Nygma in the last issue Selina interrogates him and the clues lead her on a cat and mouse (sorry I had to) chase across town.

The issue setups up all the chess pieces amazingly. The pawns, the queen, the bishop and with the knight agreeing a year of separation let’s hope there’s not check or mate.

The character of Father Valley is finally allowed to stretch his muscles on the Penguin and his goons but I have a feeling he’s getting hyped to a point that the comic might not be able to deliver. The pious figure will soon be setting his sights on Selina!

Who’s Amazed

The Alleytown colour palette is dark, broody and cold. Blanco and Bellaire do any great double act, shifting from the burlesque suit up of Catwoman to her ballet manoeuvres across the City. Just look below, Selina is gracelessly flipping over a wall and it takes a few views to register the broken glass her hand delicately misses the shards and lands elegantly. It’s fluid, graceful and does fall into the 300 unusual body positions women take in comics.

The Riddler, Penguin and Valley in contrast look grimy, rough and cumbersome. Selina may be neither hero nor villain here but she shines out of the page and finally looks more than just Batman’s eye candy. She goes from a warehouse hospital to a shady place elsewhere in Gotham before heading off to an extravagant party for Gothams wealthiest sociopaths.

By This Stunning Cat?

This is not an issue to start your collection on, as above we are halfway through the chess match at the moment and unless you are an avid Gothamite collecting all the Bat and Villain titles it’s too complicated to try and start as a fresh point.

The exotic nature of Catwoman can sometimes make artists and writers turn her into a object of gratification, here she owns her nature and uses it to dominate.

This will be hard to score due to it being a setup mid-story issue but have a look at my scores and tell me if you agree!

Thanks to DC Comics who gave BGCP a free copy to allow us to Review Catwoman #30!

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Michael Lennox

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T'was a cold dark night in East Kilbride... and below the roundabouts, something old and ancient began to shudder awake. The world would rue the day that it gave the Green Jaguar comics to read!

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