Review – Cold Dead War #1

Review - Cold Dead War

Review – Cold Dead War #1

Warning: Mature Readers only!

Writer: George C. Romero

Artwork: German Ponce

Published by: Heavy Metal Magazine

Available: You’ll be Lucky!


Trained to kill enemies of American democracy and freedom, the Pacific Pearl team continues to carry on their mission, even now, long after they’d already given their lives to the cause.

A Horror-War series set across the past, present, and future, a freak occurrence reanimates an island of freshly killed soldiers in the wake of the Battle of Midway in World War 2. Cold Dead War is the official sequel to the well-known Heavy Metal animated film segment ‘B-17.’ Watching this 1980s movie takes me back, to a grainy version shared around friends.. but to honest you should watch before you invest cash to buy a copy off EBay or a shady Dealer!


This is a very simple and basic story that doesn’t need much exposition! A doomed WWII plane’s crew is almost wiped out but as they attempt to detonate their payload a mysterious green light makes them crash!

Romero takes up the reins of the undead world here and the clean. clear storyline shines through. It’s mature, with expletives, sexist attitudes and extreme violence so if you’re buying this to add to your My Little Pony collection you’ve fallen down the wrong rabbit hole!

The mix of warfare, supernatural and modern-day needs play well and it’s good to see a writer finally not use Flashbacks as a lazy plot device but rather to add to the story with facts and details.

Review - Cold Dead War


Ponse takes the art of the original Heavy Metal film, blends will with the Romero script and creates a visual somewhere between Memphis Belle and The Thing! the art is raw, shocking and pulls no punches. This four part series will be a collectors item!

Review - Cold Dead War

Shot to the Head!

It’s such as shame that print copies of this issue are scarcer than the heartbeat of the crew of the Pacific Pearl. eBay shows prices for issue 1 already spiking upwards of £20 including international shipping. You’ll need to buy a digital copy now if you want to pay a few quid to get up to speed. This issue will just keep going up in value and you’ll find yourself thinking about the storyline days after you read it.

I give it 100%.. but unless there is a second printing you’ll pay through the nose to get it!

I’d love to know if you managed to get a copy and agree with my review of Cold Dead War #1!

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Michael Lennox

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T'was a cold dark night in East Kilbride... and below the roundabouts, something old and ancient began to shudder awake. The world would rue the day that it gave the Green Jaguar comics to read!

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