Review – Eat The Rich #1

Review - Eat The Rich #1
Main Cover Art

Review – Eat The Rich #1

Writer – Sarah Gailey

Illustrator – Pius Bak

Colourist – Roman Titov

Letterer – Cardinal Rae

Publisher – BOOM! Studios

Release Date – 18 August 2021

Main Cover – Kevin Tong

Variant Covers – Becca Carey, Jenny Frison and Leila Del Duca


“Welcome to Crestfall Bluffs! With law school and her whole life ahead of her, Joey plans to spend the summer with her boyfriend Astor in his seemingly perfect hometown. It’s a chance to finally meet his family and childhood friends, all while enjoying a vacation where every need is attended to. But beneath the affluent perfection lies a dark, deadly rot… will Joey discover the truth before it’s too late, and even if she does, can she survive to tell the tale?”

EAT THE RICH #1 is the chilling first issue from BOOM! Studios. Featuring main cover art by Kevin Tong and variant covers by renowned artists Becca Carey, Jenny Frison and Leila del Duca.


When I first started reading this book I thought it was a slow burner. But my god did it gather pace quickly. Sarah Gailey has brought a storyline which made me feel very on edge and slightly uneasy. You can tell that the protagonist Joey is completely out of her depth in terms of the social circle of Astor’s parents and friends. But Gailey really does well on the emphasis of the class difference. And through the narrative we can see Joey’s realisation that there’s something really not right with the town. And from there, her feelings of dread and fear grow.


When you’ve got Cover Art as eye-catching as the one from Kevin Tong, you know you’re in for something special. And then you’ve got those stunning variant covers from Becca Carey, Jenny Frison and Leila Del Duca as an added bonus! The artwork from Pius Bak really succeeds in its subtlety and colourist Roman Titov chooses vibrant colours as a contrast to the sinister undertones of the storyline which I also enjoyed.


As first issues go, I thoroughly enjoyed this. And I would recommend to any fans of mystery and horror. Sarah Gailey has written a story which can make the skin on the back of your neck stand up. The pacing of the book starts slow and just builds up to a chilling crescendo which leaves you fearing what will come in the next issue. Beautifully written with a superb supporting art team, this is one book you don’t want to miss.

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Andy MacGregor

Written by 

Born and raised in the Shire of Dumbarton, on the bonnie banks of Loch Lomond. I discovered comics at a young age and then life became instantly better

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