Review – Free Guy (2021)

Free Guy (2021)
Free Guy (2021) is an action comedy film directed by Shawn Levy starring Ryan Reynolds, Joe Keery, Jodie Comer, Lil Rey Howery, Utkarsh Ambudkar & Taika Waititi. Released in August, 2021.


Ever wondered when you’re playing Grand Theft Auto just what that NPC you just ran over with your car and robbed is up to these days? Well his name is Guy. He lives in the Free City, works at a bank, has a goldfish named Goldie and he’s about to change the gaming landscape and the world all in the name of love! Groundhog Day meets Grand Theft Auto with Ryan Reynolds as a concept being the magnetic pull between them.

Free Guy (2021)


The cinematography is versatile throughout the film, offering an array of shooting styles for whatever the occasion requires. There is perhaps an overdependency on slow motion which is used quite indifferently all over the film, like a throw it at the wall and see if it sticks mentality.

Free Guy (2021)

An interesting but sure to be divisive element of the CGI is the perception of the video game in the real world. When the scene is within the game it’s characters are fully live action and appear as if they are from the real world, however from the outside looking in, Free City becomes computer generated like that one Red Hot Chili Peppers music video. As I say, this will divide viewers but I believe it is is justified.


Not even a minute in we are presented with a Tim-Milleresque sandbox of nihilistic chaos while the dissonant and unforgiving innocence of Ryan Reynolds monologues about the film your now laughing hysterically at. To say this is the whole plot would be correct but inaccurate as laced throughout this certified action comedy is Levy’s brilliant satire on AI and modern society.

Free Guy (2021)

With it’s setting based in the world of video games both literally and professionally, there are a tonne of fan service with references to games like Halo, Half-Life, Portal and Grand Theft Auto as well as real world gaming culture like Let’s Players, technological advancements and loads of appropriate terminology, all treated and delivered with passion and understanding. If you don’t know what an NPC is however, those references will be lost to you. Fear not as there is more than enough fun to be had throughout the film.


In conclusion, Free Guy is a tremendously fun and excitingly wholesome film. What the film lacks in gripping dramatic stakes is made up for with insane action set pieces and blisteringly accurate social commentaries all delivered by a top notch cast just having fun with each of their roles. What could have been a throw away Non Replayable Film turned out to be the hero we need and the the video game film we deserve!

Free Guy (2021)

It was a surreal experience walking out of the cinema and into the real world again, all I could think about was that I was in Free City without sunglasses! It takes a special kind of film to change your perception of the real world. It’s not a good film…it’s a GREAT film!

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Let us know in the comments your thoughts on Free Guy (2021), your favourite video game adaptation and don’t have a good day…have a GREAT day!

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Benjamin Milne

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I don't know what I'm doing but I'm doing it with naps inbetween.

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