Review – Harley Quinn – The Eat, Bang, Kill Tour #2

Review – Harley Quinn – The Eat, Bang, Kill Tour #2

Review – Harley Quinn – The Eat, Bang, Kill Tour #2

Writer: Tee Franklin

Artist: Max Sarin

Publisher: DC Comics

Release Date: 12th October 2021

Variant Covers Bab Torr (To be revealed)

Watch Harley Quinn on All4

Issue #2

ON THE ROAD TO ROMANCE (a.k.a. an ataxia-filled, Thelma and Louise-style road trip), Harley and Ivy head to Catwoman’s to ask for a massive favour (hey, Selina’s a natural born cat sitter…). Meanwhile, Commissioner Gordon, on the hunt for the chaos queen herself, crosses a line he might not be able to come back from…?!?!?

Writer: Tee Franklin

Harley and Ivy start the issue on the run (again) with Gordon in pursuit and no plan what they want to do for their honeymoon. Harley needs to find a home for Bud and Lou, her Hyenas, after feeding them some ..err…boob jerky.

Ivy’s starting to get stressed and is worried they are being followed (which they are) by Gordon who is now suffering from STDs he’s caught from his wife Barb. The gang decide to stop by Selina’s house and hyenas and cats always mix well, so what could be the harm?

A pissed off Selina isn’t too welcoming but agrees until Gordon and the police show up.

Franklin’s second issue is a bit..chaotic here. what works on a TV screen sometimes doesn’t transpose well to print. It’s all there but perhaps just a bit too much, like Ivy I think she needs to take her foot off the gas and not hurtle a thousand jokes an issue in the hope the reader finds a percentage funny.

Artist: Max Sarin

Sarin’s artwork does work well with Franklins’ whacky script and we get an even more pantomime version of Harley here stretching her face like a Looney Tunes main character. It’s bright, silly and well-drawn.

Overall Thoughts

Harley is the Venom of the DC universe. Every writer wants to take a shot at her and every artist wants either to create a cover or draw a title for her. What that could tend to do is dilute an otherwise interesting character that has multiple versions of her floating around. For fans of the cartoon, this will delight but it does get a little annoying in print form for some reason.

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Michael Lennox

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T'was a cold dark night in East Kilbride... and below the roundabouts, something old and ancient began to shudder awake. The world would rue the day that it gave the Green Jaguar comics to read!

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