Review – Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #1

Review - Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #1

Review – Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #1

Written by Charles Soule

Illustrated by Luke Ross

Coloured by Neeraj Menon

Lettered by VC’s Travis Lanham

Published by Marvel Comics




Nobody. Steals. From BOBA FETT!

The notorious bounty hunter will not stop until he gets what’s rightfully his. For the thief, no corner of the galaxy is safe. Good thing for them that the REBEL ALLIANCE, THE EMPIRE and every bounty hunter in the galaxy is standing in Boba’s way.

With a last-page reveal that will blow this Death Star-sized story wide open, Issue #1 is just the beginning. The biggest crossover in STAR WARS history will continue raging through the pages of the WAR OF THE BOUNTY HUNTERS event miniseries and tie-in to STAR WARS, DOCTOR APHRA, DARTH VADER and BOUNTY HUNTERS through October.

Only one hunter will be left standing, and the STAR WARS galaxy will never be the same!


Have ever wondered about what happened to Han Solo in the intervening years between Empire and Jedi with him frozen in Carbonite? Me neither, but Charles Soule decides it the burning question we all want to be answered this year with crossovers and plot linkages a-go-go.

So after the preview issue saw Crimson Dawn steal Solo from Bobo Fett we begin this issue with a quick back and forth as Crimson set up a relaunch while an annoyed Jabba puts a bounty on both Fett’s and Solo’s heads. Nobody messes with Fett and there is lots of battle and action as we get to the shock surprise, that most people could work out.

If you’ve invested time in Solo a few years ago then you’ll enjoy this issue

Review - Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #1


Let’s start with the positive, the image comparisons to the live-action films and shows are amazing. The panels make act as frames to the actions and help heighten the tension and pace (see above.) Colours pop and the fight around Slave 1 looks amazing.

But sometimes Luke Ross’ doesn’t quite look finished or link to what he is drawing. It’s not that it isn’t detailed, but they look two-dimensionally flat and cold. This is particularly noticeable near the end of the issue, where we see a two-page spread showing the different characters in each of their titles. They all orbit around a very non-Harrison Ford looking Solo, looking more like a fairground caricature.

The final shocking panel wouldn’t shock a potato, the foreshadowing is so poor you could guess who without the shock reveal. It added nothing.

Review - Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #1

Overall Thoughts

Telling a story nobody really wants to tie together summer titles is an old Marvel trick. With fans not loving the Solo movie, trying to jam it into the Fett revival coming out of the Mandalorian, feels forced and boring. One star for the story and one for art. Also, the synopsis has way too many exclamation points!

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Michael Lennox

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T'was a cold dark night in East Kilbride... and below the roundabouts, something old and ancient began to shudder awake. The world would rue the day that it gave the Green Jaguar comics to read!

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