Review – Stray Dogs: Dog Days #1

Review - Stray Dogs: Dog Days #1

Review – Stray Dogs: Dog Days #1

Writer: Tony Fleecs

Artist: Trish Forstner

Colourist: Brad Simpson

Publisher: Image Comics

Release Date: 8th December 2021

Horror Variant Covers by: Robert Nugent, Lauren Herda, Ed Lavallee, Skottie Young, Ben Templesmith, Chad Hardin, Bill Morrison, Martin Morazzo, Andy Price, Vincenzo Riccardi, John Gallagher, Agnes Garbowska, Raymond Lee, Bill McKay, Ashley Witter, Ryan Kincaid, Jason Meents, Stan Yak, John Giang, Gorkem Demir, MJ Hiblen, William Russell, David Sanchez, Igor Lomov, Javan Jordan, Ivan Tao, Bill Walko, Betsy Cola, Lipwei Chang, Mark Hammermeister, Ken Salinas, Lloyd Bailey, Manuel Soto, Alexander Landa, Kevin Delgado, Tone Rodriguez, Lauren Perry, Gabriela Downie

Issue #1

A series of vicious short stories howling straight out of the pages of STRAY DOGS, 2021’s surprise cartoon/horror smash hit! In DOG DAYS, each stray will get their moment to shine-questions will be answered, mysteries will be solved, and old wounds will be torn open. Starting this December…every dog has its day.

Writer: Tony Fleecs

Fleecs uses this mini-series to fill in some of the backstories of the various dogs and what happened to both them and their various owners. Killer’s story shows his shock at being attacked by the dreaded tickle monster, while Gucci’s take the form of various Instagram posts showing the story of her loss (and that of her owner.) As the issue progresses the tone gets darker as we see more of the horrific serial killer as well as Imogene’s story as she ages around the pack of ever-changing dogs. The most horrific story is Other Henry, he and the cat monster do not get along with Monster harassing him, however after the death of the mistress even the cat shows how much it misses the faithful hound.

His script allows the images within the page to convey the emotion and horror within each story, creating a perfect balance between him and the artist.

Artist: Trish Forstner

I’ve already extolled about Forstner’s amazing artwork in previous reviews and this just allows me to heap more praise on her extraordinary approach to blending Bluth style artwork with emotional stories. Many said there would be no story left to tell after the exciting finale but this dynamic team have kept mining at this unique story and it will be interesting to see what they can add to an already award-worthy story.

Overall Thoughts

If you want to read this I suggest buying the collected edition of the Stray Dogs that was released earlier this year as it will fully enhance the experience as well as supporting the team that wrote it. This prequel adds enough fresh new material to warrant a series as well as satiating the appetite of the fans who became obsessed with it during the summer of 2021.

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Michael Lennox

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T'was a cold dark night in East Kilbride... and below the roundabouts, something old and ancient began to shudder awake. The world would rue the day that it gave the Green Jaguar comics to read!

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