Review – The Many Deaths Of Laila Starr #5

Review – The Many Deaths Of Laila Starr #5

Review – The Many Deaths Of Laila Starr #5

Written By: Ram V

Artwork: Filipe Andrade

Publisher: Boom! Studios

Available: 1st September 2021

BGCP review of Issue #1

BGCP review of Issue #2

BGCP review of Issue #3

BGCP review of Issue #4

Variant Cover: Martin Simmonds, Nimit Malavia

Issue #5: Poetry

What will Laila Starr do when she’s finally given the chance to resume the mantle of Death?

Finding herself back in the world, Laila searches out Darius and discovers that for the first time she will be witnessing the death of someone close to her.

When they are both given a chance at immortality, their individual decisions lead to a surprising and touching series finale.

Writer: Ram V

After sniffing my way through the last four issues I picked up these issues with a lot of trepidation, How could Ram answer all the questions of life, death and immortality in a few pages after a roller-coaster script?

The issue starts with the beginning of the end and ends with the beginning of a beginning. On a shore in Palolem Gilly finds a young pup, at the edge of death. She takes it to the strange old man who tends to animals and together they try to fix it.

Laila arrives reading a book of poetry worrying about how and why she needs to see Darius and also what will she say about their lifelong dance? At the house, Darius welcomes her and they chat about life, death and loss when she admits who she is/was, he bursts out laughing telling her he invented immortality years ago but has never used it. Life got in the way and too late he realised that his anger at the death of his wife robbed him of years with his family.

In the end, though it doesn’t matter how we greet death what matters is that we have proof that we made mistakes along the way and I’ll leave the final few pages of the series for you to shed your own tears at.

Artwork: Filipe Andrade

Andrade breathes life into this stunning visual poem with recaps from the previous issues as well as emotionally charged imagery that brings a smile to your face s you re-read the whole series. The soft pastel colouring and panelling adds heaviness to your heart and using real poetry in the panels help guide the reader to the final shore of the issue.

Overall Thoughts

In a year where we all have lost someone close through the shocking events of COVID, a book about death and how we cope with it helps soothe our cracked souls. I will carry the scars of this book to show how each of those we loved left a mark on our lives. This book deserves every one of the 100% ratings that we have given it over the past five months.

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BGCP has enjoyed reviewing The Many Deaths Of Laila Starr #5 and hopes you pick it up at your Local Comic Shop

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Michael Lennox

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T'was a cold dark night in East Kilbride... and below the roundabouts, something old and ancient began to shudder awake. The world would rue the day that it gave the Green Jaguar comics to read!

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