Review – The Me You Love in the Dark #4

Review – The Me You Love in the Dark #4

Review – The Me You Love in the Dark #4

Writer: Skottie Young

Artist: Jorge Corona

Colours: Jean-Francois Beaulieu

Letters: Nate Piekos

Publisher: Image Comics

Release Date: 3rd November 2021

Issue #4

As Ro’s isolation takes a turn toward the dark, a series of events reveals more of the true nature of her mysterious companion.

Writer SKOTTIE YOUNG (I HATE FAIRYLAND, Deadpool, Strange Academy) and artist JORGE CORONA (NO. 1 WITH A BULLET, Super Sons, Feathers) follow up their critically acclaimed series MIDDLEWEST with a brand-new haunting tale. Fans of Stephen King and Neil Gaiman will enjoy this beautiful, dark, and disturbing story of discovery, love, and terror.

Writer: Skottie Young

Things take a turn for the worse this issue when the entity and Ro start to disagree about growth and space within a relationship. Ro wants to go outside, paint, chat with her friends but the entity stifles her at every opportunity. Things come to a head when she raises her voice to it/him and a violet burn of psychokinetic energy is released at her.

As the relationship moves from productive to disruptive things go downhill with Ro isolating herself and the entity becoming controlling, aggressive but still needy. Things in the issue come to a head when her agent visit her.

Young uses every issue to look at various aspects of both good and bad relationships through this medium and how small things suddenly become unbearable leading to conflict.

Artist: Jorge Corona

Corona still wraps the issue around Ro, with almost every image or page from her point of view, but as the pages and story turn dark so the monster of jealously and hate grows to expand and take over panels and pages.

Overall Thoughts

Most people do not realise they are in a destructive relationship till it’s too late and the path from romantic obsessive to psychopathic obsessive is painfully thin. Young and Corona show how we all can end up with monsters in a relationship

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Michael Lennox

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T'was a cold dark night in East Kilbride... and below the roundabouts, something old and ancient began to shudder awake. The world would rue the day that it gave the Green Jaguar comics to read!

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