Review – The Nice House On The Lake #3

Review – The Nice House On The Lake #3

Review – The Nice House On The Lake #3

Written by: James Tynion IV

Art by: Alvaro Martinez Bueno

Colours by: Jordie Bellaire

Letters by: Andworld Design

Published by: DC Black Label

Available: 4th August 2021

Variant Covers: Christian Ward

Book Three

Walter’s “rules” for their getaway strongly suggested the residents not leave the property lines of the House…but how far do they go? It’s not like Sam, the Reporter, to leave a question like that unanswered…but what he finds when he walks the perimeter of the lake might turn out to be the story of his lifetime—however much longer it lasts!

Check out our review of the previous issues here

Written by: James Tynion IV

It’s Sams turn to narrate and progress this issue with a useful backstory to his character’s relationship with the eponymous meat tornado that is Walter. Flashback to college days we find that Walter almost dictated ket events in Sam’s life by pushing him to investigate and report back on his friend’s relationships.

The text message exchange between Walter and Sam shows just how Walter knows how to entice the journalistic instincts of Sam encouraging to bring Arturo with him and reminding him that he hasn’t had any time off in at least five years.

Back at the house, Rick and Sam clash over breakfast with Rick doing Walter’s bidding to slow the group down and enjoy the benefits of the house. Sam wants to investigate and reminds everyone that when he touched the sign last issue he saw his street in torment with fire and melting bodies everywhere.

Following the perimeter forcefield around, he finds more statues, angles and at the end another house with lots of statues.

Tynion’s style, almost imperceptible plot works well with the group dynamic, the world’s ending so why not sit back and enjoy it. The more sinister reason for Walter entices Sam to investigate the mystery of the house shows that he treats his pets like rats in a maze observing them while they fight frantically for a way out.

Art by: Alvaro Martinez Bueno

Bueno masterfully shows how simple tricks like panel positioning or point of view changes the experience of the reader. Sam’s solo trip around the perimeter becomes so much more sinister when he pulls back and shows Walter observing from a distance. Bellaire’s colouring adds small elements to each page such as the double-page conversation between Walter and Sam. the darkroom red of Sam’s panels show he constantly works and Walter throws him breadcrumbs to satiate his appetite for the bigger story.

Overall Thoughts

Tynion’s use of a rotating protagonist in each issue is a useful plot device allowing each character to shine without allowing one to push others into the dak. The powerhouse of Bueno and Bellaire again effortlessly paint a stunning world with paradise at the centre surrounding Dante’s Inferno. If you have not wanted to pick up the issues yet, this is the time to get all three from your local store.

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Michael Lennox

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T'was a cold dark night in East Kilbride... and below the roundabouts, something old and ancient began to shudder awake. The world would rue the day that it gave the Green Jaguar comics to read!

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