Review – The Swamp Thing #8

Review – The Swamp Thing #8

Review – The Swamp Thing #8

Written by Ram V

Art by: Mike Perkins

Colourist Mike Spicer

Letters Aditya Bidikar

Published By DC Comics

Available: 6th October 2021

Variant Cover: Francesco Mattina

Review – The Swamp Thing #8


A terrifying reunion! With Levi making his choice, the new avatar of the Green draws one step closer to escaping the clutches of the Suicide Squad! But is it already too late? Has the Squad bolstered themselves to an unstoppable end? Or will an unexpected guest help him to victory at a terrible cost?

Written by Ram V

After the amazing turn of events in the last issue, we get to see the conclusion of the origin story of Levi’s Swamp Thing. Pursued by what’s left of the Suicide Squad Levi easily dispatches Chemo and during a square off with Parasite, who has absorbed the green as well, they share memories and pain.

Levi finds the last piece of the puzzle, as his father lays dying in a hospital he forgives him allowing Levi to transform into the avatar of the green. He uses this memory to show Parasite that no matter the pain and hurt that we carry with us it’s never too late to be forgiven and reconnect.

The sudden appearance of a new connection to the green has ramifications for both parts of Levi’s psuche.

with two issues to go the penultimate issue next month will be absolutely stunning.

Art by: Mike Perkins

Perkins and colourist Spicer have a ball in this issue using multi-layer techniques to add further impact to scenes. While bonded with Parasite, we see images from the past emblazoned on the horizon, likes from a comic book.

Overall Thoughts

V has been using this ten-issue series to examine tradition, family and pain and again it doesn’t pull any punches as it takes the place of Ram’s therapy bill. The two Mikes again use every trick in the comic artist’s book to cram every panel and page with additional content adding to the already vast script.

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Michael Lennox

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T'was a cold dark night in East Kilbride... and below the roundabouts, something old and ancient began to shudder awake. The world would rue the day that it gave the Green Jaguar comics to read!

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