Tom Holland Planning a Break After Spider-Man: No Way Home

Tom Holland Planning a break

Tom Holland is planning to take a break once filming for No Way Home has completed. The news comes after Holland was asked about his plans after filming for the third Spider-Man film has wrapped.

During a conversation on USA Today’s Entertain This, Holland said;

“I’m gonna go home and just enjoy some time, you know – it’s the first time since I signed on to Spider-Man that I don’t have a contract with someone.” 

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A break for the actor is certainly deserved. Since his first outing in Captain America: Civil War, the web-slinger has appeared five more times. Considered as one of the breakout stars of the next generation for the MCU, Marvel has also set him up to be the successor to Tony Stark, for who he began as an apprentice and looked up to.

His second solo outing, Spider: Man Far From Home, focused on moving Peter Parker’s arc past Iron-Man and further developed him as a standalone superhero. This led many to believe that Spider-Man would take the spotlight in Phase 4. From the above interview, it seems the actor is ready to take a breather from all the work.

In addition to increasing screen-time within the MCU, the actor has also worked on a significant amount of other projects. From voiceover work (DoLittle and Onward) to working on smaller dramas (The Devil All the Time and Cherry). This past year alone seen Holland jump straight from Uncharted to Spider-Man: No Way Home. There’s no denying he has been rather busy of late.

This does not mean he will be retiring the web-slingers suit just yet. Though, it does suggest that there are no immediate plans for another Spider-Man sequel or any cameos in the MCU following No Way Home’s release.

What do you think about Tom Holland’s comments? Would you like to see more of Spider-Man in the MCU? Let us know in the comments.

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Rachel Williams

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A comics blogger based in Aberdeen. Enthusiastic about wine, all things nerdy, and unicorns.

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